The LB5K event is a community event hosted by the kind folk of Little Bytham along with the generous support of volunteers from throughout the surrounding area.

It’s been described as a hidden gem in the running calendar, but for us, it’s an oportunity to welcome people to the farm and to share some of the beautiful countryside that we have in Little Bytham.

It also provides an opportunity to raise much needed funds for some very special local causes, not least the Lincs and Notts Air Ambulance, which provides such a vital service to rural communities.

The Grange

The LB5K run is set in and around The Grange where the current farmers, John & Guy, are the 4th generation of the family to have farmed here. It is an organic farm, certified by the Soil Association and the paths that have been set up around the farm’s perimeter are there to enable as many people as possible to enjoy it.

The LB5K run is set in and around The Grange where John & Guy Turner are the 4th generation of the family to have farmed here.

It is an organic farm and the paths that have been set up around the farm’s perimeter are there to enable as many people as possible to enjoy it.

The Farm produces wheat for local Wind Mills and Bakers as well as some specialist food crops like naked oats and marrowfat peas, some of which go into the locally-renouned Bytham Float Oat milk drink.

The Grange is also home for the cows of The Ahimsa Dairy Foundation, which is a radical slaughter-free dairy sytem insired by the values and ethics of the Hare Krishna movement.

Local Causes

Proceeds go towards supporting the local causes that play such an important part in rural life.


Our sincere thanks go out to everyone who has made this event possible, from the organising team to the course marshalls. However, it is you, the runners and walkers that make it all worthwhile and we wanted to take this opportunity to say a particularly big thank you to all those who offered such generous feedback after last year’s event, not least Stamford Striders who have included this as one of their Championship races this year.


We are also particularly grateful to the growing list of sponsors who support the event and make it all possible.

In particular, we’d like to acknowledge the fantastic support that the Association of Running Clubs offers to small community events like ours

And finally, but most importantly, thank you to all our participants, who make the run such a success!